Nearly every day, I watch the news and often feel the heartbreak of division, war, election mayhem, abject poverty, and indifference. Faced with tragedies, the allure of “bread and circuses” can be strong. And yet, I find an authentic sense of transcendent peace in doing good in the world “little by little.” It helps me put into perspective the false need for constant escape. It helps me to gather the love that aches in my heart and brings it to places and spaces to find rest—places where love is needed—little places. A little bit here and a little bit there. And then, a sense of hope rises in me that makes the world feel a little bit gentler and more beautiful. There is a desperate need for this, for things to be better.
Speaking of better, we welcomed a new woman into the community this month, entailing adjustment for everyone. Yet, little by little, we stretch, grow, and find that we are all the better for loving another person. By seeing the good in others, we eventually are able to rise above the petty things that can all too often dominate daily life in a community of human beings. We are grateful for all the beautiful souls that reside at St. Bakhita House.
Little by little, “the world will be saved by beauty.” Besides the gift of a new community member, we are grateful for so much! Generous artist Michael Brophy painted and sold beautiful pictures and donated every last dollar to our community. An Eagle Scout gathered a beautiful cadre of young people to construct raised garden beds for us, a young family planted pots and built multiple tomato towers, and a remarkable group of young women from Divine Savior Holy Angles who laid mulch, weeded, and planted flowers to make our Bakhita world more beautiful. Little by little, our community feels that lifesaving balm of beauty and love surrounding us. What is balm for your soul?
May you feel the joy of little by little,
PS. Speaking of balm for the soul, please join us at Mass every Tuesday at 5:15 PM in our beautiful little chapel. Consult our beautiful new website for rare cancellations.